Mice in the city:Around the world
Join Stanley the Mouse as he sets out on a trip around the world aboard Mrs Crosbie's airship! Readers will visit sixteen different locations, including London, Paris, New York, Tokyo, Rio de janeiro, Beijing, Mexico City, the Great Barrier Reef, Moscow, Rome, Delhi, Namibia's Etosha National Park, Seoul, the Black Forest, Amsterdam and Barcelona!
'Mice in the city:around the world' (Thames and Hudson in UK) was out in 30th of August 2018.
This is one of the series books of 'Mice in the city'.
Please find 'Mice in the city:Around the world' at the link below.
"Mice in the City: Around the World" by Ami Shin is a glorious and super-detailed look at all of the amazing countries on our gorgeous planet, a whistle stop tour taking in all the landmarks, sights and cultures of many, many other places you may know and quite a few you may not have heard of. "- Read it daddy
"It's one that's jam-packed with visual treats to amuse young readers and keep them engrossed for hours. -Red reading hub
"A book to return to over and over again one that will really capture children's attention. " -Parents in Touch
"A fun book....it takes the reader through 16 different locations where you can spot all the different elements of that culture. " -Glabal Mouse Travels
"Simple, but such a cute little detail. A great absorbing book for kids who love to look and find... "-My story time corner
"Kids love search and find books and these mice are just too cute! These oversized books make the perfect gift for the holidays. "
-Dream Reader kids
"This keeps my two entertained for absolutely ages, and whilst we are searching we are finding out more about places from around the world like Moscow to the Great Barrier Reef!" -Scrapbook blog
(Italian)"Per ogni citta' sono riportati i landmark, gli edifici caratteristici e piu' famosi di quella citta'.Un bel modo per studiare il nostro bel mondo. Io mi sono divertita e abbiamo anche imparato come si dice "Ciao" in tante lingue diverse! "-Read me a book blog
(French)"Que de choses à voir, à observer dans ces images pleines de charme et d’humour ! Libre à vous de trouver plein des manières d’exploiter ces livres: raconter une histoire etc.. Les enfants adorent ce livre, car ils jouent et surtout participent… et vous aussi les parents. En plus ils s’instruisent en apprenant de nouveaux mots et font travailler leur mémoire. " -culturevsnews
(French) "C’est l’occasion pour votre enfant de découvrir une ambiance, une coutume d’un pays. Cet album d’observation est très bien réalisé. Ses couleurs acidulées, les milliers de souris à observer, les détails de chaque scène aiguisent la curiosité de votre jeune lecteur."-(Sandrine Damie) unlivredansmavalise
(French) "Dans chaque pays nous pouvons donc chercher le drapeau du pays, le plat typique, et le costume traditionnel. Une façon originale de continuer à apprendre la géographie comme nous le faisons pendant notre tour du monde virtuel. "-Maman fatiguée
2019, Applied Arts Magazine, young blood entire illustration winner, Toronto, Canada
2022, Chen Bochui Original illustration competition, Excellent work prize, Shanghai, China
UK, US, Swedish, French, Korean, Chinese simplified(in 2020), Russian(in 2020), Taiwanese editions(in 2020). More editions are forthcoming!
Mice in the city:Around the world (UK, US and Swedish edition)
Mice in the City:Around the World(Russian Edition)
Mice in the City:Around the World(Korean edition)
Mice in the city:Around the world(French edition)
Mice in the City: Around the World was exhibited in Shanghai international bookfair(CCBF). This was exhibited at the exhibition of Chen Bochui.
©Ami Shin
For all publicity enquiries, please contact with right team of Thames&Hudson.